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The Ultimate Career Guide

A powerful career success system that helps you supercharge your career, land your dream job, and get paid what you deserve– starting right now!

Get Instant Access to the World’s ONLY Comprehensive Career Success E-Book.

Let’s get right to the heart of the matter, and take a look at your career.

Which of the following statements describe you? (Check-off all the items below that apply).

If one or more of the items above apply to you, then I have good news!

You’re about to discover the secrets that thousands of career-minded men and women have used to supercharge their careers and change the course of their lives for the better. It’s all part of a systematic, yet simple process that consistently produces excellent results. When you learn my easy, step-by-step process, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it – and regret not having found it sooner.


Option 1

Digital E-Book – 225+ Pages

(Instant Download)



Option 2

Digital E-Book – 225+ Pages

(Instant Download)

PLUS Complete Home Study Package

(Physical Binder and CDs)



This is No Ordinary Career E-Book

This first-of-its-kind downloadable e-book will enable you to make a “quantum leap” in your career. I’ve included ALL the same information that I provide to clients who work with me one-on-one, in full career coaching programs costing thousands of dollars and lasting many months. There are literally hundreds of self-help books, workshops, and programs on the subject of career development on the market today. Please don’t confuse The Ultimate Career Guide E-Book with any of them. The Ultimate Career Guide is the only self-directed career solution that provides a revolutionary method proven to skyrocket your career success and your earning ability. Now, you too can use The Ultimate Career Guide E-Book to transform your own career – not someday – but starting today!

A Sneak Peek at what You’ll Discover in The Ultimate Career Guide

The Ultimate Career Guide is a 5-phase career development system that’s easy to learn and follow. Everything is explained in “plain English,” with lots of structure to keep you on track, plus plenty of examples and templates to follow. You’ll see positive results almost immediately as you work through dozens of exercises, checklists and worksheets. The Guide shows you exactly how to:

  • Develop an exceptional portfolio of “self-marketing” tools, including all the documents and verbal statements you’ll need to conduct an exceptional job search
  • Get more interviews and clearly stand-out from competing candidates – so you’ll consistently land on the “short list” of finalists
  • Ace the interview using little-known research tools and specialized question-and-answer techniques
  • Impress employers so much that they’ll start “chasing you” as their top candidate, instead of you always having to chase them
  • Negotiate with ease for much more money, better benefits, and enhancements in many other aspects of the offer

In addition, The Ultimate Career Guide provides dozens of practical tools, tactics and strategies that I’ve used for more than 25 years as a top Career Coach, including how to:

  • Build your “Job Seeker’s Tool Kit” – 10 must-have tools to market yourself effectively
  • Create an extraordinary resume that practically “jumps off the page” and gets fast results
  • Write your “Accomplishment Stories” with a simple 5-question formula and 12 most powerful words
  • Develop your “Positioning Statement” and “Departure Statement” – and use them to quickly generate interest and easily overcome objections
  • Get the most from your existing network of contacts with a specific 9-step follow-up system
  • And much, much more!

Simply put, investing in this comprehensive career management system is like buying “career insurance.” It guarantees that you’ll be well prepared, fully equipped, and ready to navigate any career transition – now or in the future, voluntary or not, under any economic conditions

Steve Nesich: Praise for The Ultimate Career Guide “The strategies and tactics in The Ultimate Career Guide gave me the knowledge, discipline and confidence to advance to the next level in my career. I cannot recommend this system highly enough to anyone looking for a new opportunity or trying to break in to the job market after a layoff!”

Steven Nesich

Here’s Everything You Get

Your Ultimate Career Guide E-Book is more than 225 pages of practical, hard-hitting “insider secrets” – everything you’ll ever need to know about successful job search and career management.

And I haven’t even mentioned the FREE Bonus Gifts that you’ll receive when you take The Ultimate Career Guide for a risk-free trial. Here’s what else you’ll receive:

Bonus Gift #1:
All the forms, templates, checklists and exercises you’ll need to succeed, which you can use right on your computer! We have created interactive versions of all the career search tools explained in The Ultimate Career Guide. When you invest right now, they are yours FREE! (Bonus Value: $289)

Bonus Gift #2:
Special Report: “10 Vital Strategies To Maximize Your Career Success!” 20 power-packed pages of additional bonus information. (Bonus Value: $47)

So, with The Ultimate Career Guide, you’re getting thousands of dollars worth of career consulting, tools, strategies, and resources – all for a tiny fraction of what top Career Coaches like me charge.


Option 1

Digital E-Book – 225+ Pages

(Instant Download)



Option 2

Digital E-Book – 225+ Pages

(Instant Download)

PLUS Complete Home Study Package

(Physical Binder and CDs)



Master Everything there is to Know about Job Search and Career Management

You won’t find another product that’s anywhere near the caliber of The Ultimate Career Guide. All you’ll find out there is a hodge-podge of e-books or articles – each covering only a small slice of the “career success pie” – focusing just on resume writing, or just on salary negotiation, or just on interviewing skills, etc.

The Ultimate Career Guide is the only instantly downloadable career e-book that covers ALL career topics, from A to Z. You’ll have the entire soup-to-nuts package at your fingertips, which will enable you to navigate the “job-seeking maze” with ease! The Ultimate Career Guide is the next best thing to having me there in person, standing at your side, coaching you to the top of your game, and guiding you toward your career potential, every step of the way.

Nancy Hohns: Praise for The Ultimate Career Guide “Thanks to the knowledge, skills and tips gleaned from The Ultimate Career Guide, I now know the secrets to obtaining high caliber meetings, making the most of interviews and presenting myself in the best possible light. The Guide is among the best investments I’ve ever made!”

Nancy Hohns

How Much is Career Success Worth to You?

What is the value of owning a proven career development system that has made thousands of people successful in a matter of weeks – and using it to position your own career for explosive growth? What is the value of not having to suffer through long, depressing months of unemployment, underemployment or career frustration – but instead using a professional resource that shows you precisely how to get it right the first time? What price would you put on learning a revolutionary approach to career management that will enable you to skyrocket your earning ability beyond what you thought possible? The Ultimate Career Guide won’t cost you $5,000. Or $2,500. No, not $1,000. Or even $500.

This vital investment in your career – and your life – is only$127.00 $97.00 – and the full system is available to you right now as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD!

Georgette Howell: Praise for The Ultimate Career Guide “With The Ultimate Career Guide, I never felt more confident and prepared. I aced the interview and received an offer the very next day! I don’t know how I would have gotten through my transition without The Ultimate Career Guide. It has been a life-saver”

Georgette Howell

100% Risk-Free, Money Back Guarantee

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Order The Ultimate Career Guide now, with absolutely no risk! In the unlikely event that you’re not thrilled with this powerful career success system, contact us within 30 days of your date of purchase. Your investment will be promptly refunded!


Option 1

Digital E-Book – 225+ Pages

(Instant Download)



Option 2

Digital E-Book – 225+ Pages

(Instant Download)

PLUS Complete Home Study Package

(Physical Binder and CDs)



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FORD R. MYERS is an award-winning, nationally-known Career Coach, best-selling author and speaker. He is the President of Career Potential, LLC, a premier provider of career success services. Through powerful individual, corporate and government career programs, Ford has helped thousands of clients take charge of their careers, create the work they love, and earn what they deserve!

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Video Training

Ford R. Myers shares tips for your career
success. Click here for more video career tips.

Career Coaching

At Career Potential, we help clients achieve their career objectives as efficiently and productively as possible. You’ll experience a much more successful transition process, and advance rapidly into a new career or better job that really “fits.”