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Reflections on Networking

By Ford R. Myers
President, Career Potential, LLC


  • Networking is the currency of career success
  • A conversation with business intent
  • Making a connection that may bring something else about
  • Building relationships
  • Primarily an “influence mechanism”
  • The active use and development of contacts for individual and professional development
  • The creation of an ever-expanding group of people who know about you, your skill-set and the ways in which your talents make a positive contribution

Networking is the new name for conversations, developing acquaintances, increasing awareness in others about who we are and what our skills are. You have to “put yourself out there,” so there’s a risk. But with risk, there’s also potential reward.

From a business standpoint, it’s time to start connecting personally. There needs to be mutual interest as well. So on one hand there’s the continuum of relationship-building networking; and on the other hand, there’s the short-term transaction.

To contrast and compare old and new schools of thought: The OLD was about – meet and greet, the highest number of business cards, the quantity of people one talked to, talking at people, what can ‘I’ get, discuss your business and building a Rolodex.

The NEW is about – meaningful conversations, the quality of the dialogue one has, talking with people, what can be given mutually, co-creating value and adding value, building trusted connections.


  1. Networking is long-term, organic and personal. It’s really about relationships, not just making contacts.
  2. Networking is a life-long activity. It’s a way to build-up resources and support for needs when they arise along the way. CONTRAST WITH – “now I need help and start calling people for favors.”
  3. Networking is getting to know people. It’s being genuinely interested in the other person, with all the follow-up that this entails. CONTRAST WITH – just shaking hands, meeting people.
  4. Networking is like building a bank account by constantly making deposits onto the account. It’s staying in touch with people, communicating about oneself and asking about others on a regular basis. CONTRAST WITH – expecting something very specific from people you meet.
  5. Networking is about providing value. It’s a long-term, strategic process with intrinsic value. CONTRAST WITH – self-centered “blitzes” like advertisements that are not backed-up by a value proposition.


Networking has become increasingly important in the context of “free agency.” We have become knowledge workers, and we manage our own careers. There’s been a flattening of the centralized, hierarchical corporate structures and some companies are moving toward minimalist organizations. The boss does not have everything we seek anymore. And experience has shown that informal contact development meetings are a very rich source of information, job leads and professional growth.


  • Increased self-awareness – learn how you’re perceived by others
  • Opportunities to learn about new career possibilities
  • Overcome the fear of rejection and improve interpersonal skills
  • A reality check – confirming we are on the right track


  • Networking should be an attitude; a way of life
  • It’s important not to think of it as short-term (i.e., only when you’re out of work)
  • It’s a way to forge connections and build strong business relationships
  • It’s being interested vs. interesting
  • It’s being active vs. passive
  • It’s knowing what you have to offer
  • Everyone gives and gets
  • Do not get emotionally attached to the outcome
  • It’s information-sharing
  • Know yourself and leverage your strengths
  • It’s taking action and making things happen
  • Build/increase awareness in others of your skill-set
  • Find out what others “are all about”
  • Enhance your offering by learning how it applies to different businesses


  • Conduct networking meetings face-to-face (or on Zoom) whenever possible, as opposed to over the telephone
  • The purpose is to share information and make new connections, not simply to sell yourself
  • Be prepared to listen, to ask questions, to show interest in the other person
  • Be very careful to respect the time of the person you’re meeting with – successful networking can be done in 45 minutes or less
  • Do networking in three phases – the “ask,” the “do” and the “follow-up”
  • Wear proper attire; be professional
  • Networking is a process and it requires structure – follow a proven protocol
  • Develop a tracking system to manage all the details
  • Start with people you know on your “contact list”
  • Networking is serendipitous; be prepared enough to be spontaneous
  • Leverage natural bonds and connections
  • Set goals and strive for continuous improvement of performance
  • Don’t pre-judge or edit the list of people you’ll contact; never assume you know whom they know or don’t know
  • Not everyone will be an appropriate person with whom to network, so don’t “force it”


  • Arrive early at an event or meeting and greet people as they arrive
  • Develop and constantly use your 15-second commercial (Positioning Statement)
  • Target one meaningful interaction at a time – which means to connect at a human level without distraction
  • Listen actively
  • Be generous with your time and resources
  • Share your knowledge, suggestions and connections
  • Remember names, even if you have to take notes
  • Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up
  • Have fun and enjoy the process

About the Author:
Ford R. Myers is an award-winning career coach, speaker and author of the best-seller, Get The Job You Want, Even When No One’s Hiring. Ford’s firm helps clients take charge of their careers, create the work they love, and earn what they deserve! He has held senior consulting positions at three of the nation’s largest career service firms. Ford’s articles have appeared in thousands of publications and web sites, and he has been interviewed on every major television and radio network. Ford has also conducted presentations at hundreds of companies, associations and universities. Learn more at


FORD R. MYERS is an award-winning, nationally-known Career Coach, best-selling author and speaker. He is the President of Career Potential, LLC, a premier provider of career success services. Through powerful individual, corporate and government career programs, Ford has helped thousands of clients take charge of their careers, create the work they love, and earn what they deserve!

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